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Product Description

It has been 20 years since the last edition of this classic text. Kevin Wainwright, a long time user of the text (British Columbia University and Simon Fraser University), has executed the perfect revision—-he has updated examples, applications and theory without changing the elegant, precise presentation style of Alpha Chiang. Readers will find the wait was worthwhile.

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Fundamental Methods Of Mathematical Economics

Regular price Rs. 899.00 Rs. 809.10 10% off
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Publisher: Mc Graw Hill

Author: Chiang

ISBN: 9781259097348

Binding Type: Paperback

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Product Description

It has been 20 years since the last edition of this classic text. Kevin Wainwright, a long time user of the text (British Columbia University and Simon Fraser University), has executed the perfect revision—-he has updated examples, applications and theory without changing the elegant, precise presentation style of Alpha Chiang. Readers will find the wait was worthwhile.

*Scanned images shown above are directly captured from the store. Fulfillment of products subject to availability *