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Unit - I Direct and Bending Stresses in Vertical Members 1.1 Introduction to axial and eccentric loads, Eccentricity about one principal axis only, nature of stresses. Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram. 1.2 Condition for no tension or zero stress at extreme fiber, Limit of eccentricity, core of section for rectangular and circular cross sections, Middle third rule. 1.3 Chimneys of rectangular and circular cross section subjected to wind pressure, coefficient of wind pressure, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. 1.4 Analysis of dams subjected to horizontal water pressure, conditions of stability, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. Unit - II Slope and Deflection 2.1 Concept of slope and deflection, stiffness of beams, Relation among bending moment, slope, deflection and radius of curvature, (no derivation). 2.2 Double integration method to find slope and deflection of cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to concentrated load and uniformly distributed load on entire span. 2.3 Macaulay's method for slope and deflection, application to cantilever and simply supported beam subjected to concentrated and uniformly distributed load on entire span. Unit - III Fixed Beam 3.1 Concept of fixity, effect of fixity, advantages and disadvantages of fixed beam over simply supported beam. 3.2 Principle of superposition, Fixed end moments from first principle for beam subjected to central point load, UDL over entire span, Point load other than mid span. 3.3 Application of standard formulae in finding end moments, end reactions and drawing S.F. diagrams showing point of contra-shear and B.M. diagrams showing net BM and point of contra-flexure for a fixed beam. Unit - IV Continuous Beam 4.1 Definition, effect of continuity, nature of moments induced due to continuity, concept of deflected shape, practical example. 4.2 Clapeyron's theorem of three moment (no derivation) Application of Clapeyron's theorem maximum up to three spans and two unknown support moment only, Supports at same level, spans having same and different moment of inertia subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads over entire span. 4.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. Unit - V Moment Distribution Method 5.1 Introduction to moment distribution method, sign convention, Carry over factor, stiffness factor, distribution factor. 5.2 Application of moment distribution method to various types of continuous beams subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed load over entire span having same or different moment of inertia, supports at same level, up to three spans and two unknown support moments only. 5.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. 5.4 Introduction to portal frames : Symmetrical and unsymmetrical portal frames with the concept of Bays and stories. (Numericals on Symmetrical portal frames only). 5.5 Drawing SF diagrams and BM diagrams for Symmetrical portal frames only. Unit - VI Simple Trusses 6.1 Types of trusses (Simple, Fink, compound fink, French truss, pratt truss, Howe truss, North light truss, King post and Queen post truss) 6.2 Calculate support reactions for trusses subjected to point loads at nodal points only. 6.3 Calculate forces in members of truss using method of joints and Method of sections. 6.4 Graphical method of analysis of truss. (No Numerical on graphical method of analysis of truss).
Unit - I Direct and Bending Stresses in Vertical Members 1.1 Introduction to axial and eccentric loads, Eccentricity about one principal axis only, nature of stresses. Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram. 1.2 Condition for no tension or zer. . . Read More
Unit - I Direct and Bending Stresses in Vertical Members 1.1 Introduction to axial and eccentric loads, Eccentricity about one principal axis only, nature of stresses. Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram. 1.2 Condition for no tension or zero stress at extreme fiber, Limit of eccentricity, core of section for rectangular and circular cross sections, Middle third rule. 1.3 Chimneys of rectangular and circular cross section subjected to wind pressure, coefficient of wind pressure, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. 1.4 Analysis of dams subjected to horizontal water pressure, conditions of stability, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. Unit - II Slope and Deflection 2.1 Concept of slope and deflection, stiffness of beams, Relation among bending moment, slope, deflection and radius of curvature, (no derivation). 2.2 Double integration method to find slope and deflection of cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to concentrated load and uniformly distributed load on entire span. 2.3 Macaulay's method for slope and deflection, application to cantilever and simply supported beam subjected to concentrated and uniformly distributed load on entire span. Unit - III Fixed Beam 3.1 Concept of fixity, effect of fixity, advantages and disadvantages of fixed beam over simply supported beam. 3.2 Principle of superposition, Fixed end moments from first principle for beam subjected to central point load, UDL over entire span, Point load other than mid span. 3.3 Application of standard formulae in finding end moments, end reactions and drawing S.F. diagrams showing point of contra-shear and B.M. diagrams showing net BM and point of contra-flexure for a fixed beam. Unit - IV Continuous Beam 4.1 Definition, effect of continuity, nature of moments induced due to continuity, concept of deflected shape, practical example. 4.2 Clapeyron's theorem of three moment (no derivation) Application of Clapeyron's theorem maximum up to three spans and two unknown support moment only, Supports at same level, spans having same and different moment of inertia subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads over entire span. 4.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. Unit - V Moment Distribution Method 5.1 Introduction to moment distribution method, sign convention, Carry over factor, stiffness factor, distribution factor. 5.2 Application of moment distribution method to various types of continuous beams subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed load over entire span having same or different moment of inertia, supports at same level, up to three spans and two unknown support moments only. 5.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. 5.4 Introduction to portal frames : Symmetrical and unsymmetrical portal frames with the concept of Bays and stories. (Numericals on Symmetrical portal frames only). 5.5 Drawing SF diagrams and BM diagrams for Symmetrical portal frames only. Unit - VI Simple Trusses 6.1 Types of trusses (Simple, Fink, compound fink, French truss, pratt truss, Howe truss, North light truss, King post and Queen post truss) 6.2 Calculate support reactions for trusses subjected to point loads at nodal points only. 6.3 Calculate forces in members of truss using method of joints and Method of sections. 6.4 Graphical method of analysis of truss. (No Numerical on graphical method of analysis of truss).
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Publisher: Technical Publications

Author: Sagar R. Sonawane, Yogesh S. Kanade

ISBN: 9789333200080

Language: ENGLISH

Binding Type: Paperback

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Product Description
Unit - I Direct and Bending Stresses in Vertical Members 1.1 Introduction to axial and eccentric loads, Eccentricity about one principal axis only, nature of stresses. Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram. 1.2 Condition for no tension or zero stress at extreme fiber, Limit of eccentricity, core of section for rectangular and circular cross sections, Middle third rule. 1.3 Chimneys of rectangular and circular cross section subjected to wind pressure, coefficient of wind pressure, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. 1.4 Analysis of dams subjected to horizontal water pressure, conditions of stability, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. Unit - II Slope and Deflection 2.1 Concept of slope and deflection, stiffness of beams, Relation among bending moment, slope, deflection and radius of curvature, (no derivation). 2.2 Double integration method to find slope and deflection of cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to concentrated load and uniformly distributed load on entire span. 2.3 Macaulay's method for slope and deflection, application to cantilever and simply supported beam subjected to concentrated and uniformly distributed load on entire span. Unit - III Fixed Beam 3.1 Concept of fixity, effect of fixity, advantages and disadvantages of fixed beam over simply supported beam. 3.2 Principle of superposition, Fixed end moments from first principle for beam subjected to central point load, UDL over entire span, Point load other than mid span. 3.3 Application of standard formulae in finding end moments, end reactions and drawing S.F. diagrams showing point of contra-shear and B.M. diagrams showing net BM and point of contra-flexure for a fixed beam. Unit - IV Continuous Beam 4.1 Definition, effect of continuity, nature of moments induced due to continuity, concept of deflected shape, practical example. 4.2 Clapeyron's theorem of three moment (no derivation) Application of Clapeyron's theorem maximum up to three spans and two unknown support moment only, Supports at same level, spans having same and different moment of inertia subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads over entire span. 4.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. Unit - V Moment Distribution Method 5.1 Introduction to moment distribution method, sign convention, Carry over factor, stiffness factor, distribution factor. 5.2 Application of moment distribution method to various types of continuous beams subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed load over entire span having same or different moment of inertia, supports at same level, up to three spans and two unknown support moments only. 5.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. 5.4 Introduction to portal frames : Symmetrical and unsymmetrical portal frames with the concept of Bays and stories. (Numericals on Symmetrical portal frames only). 5.5 Drawing SF diagrams and BM diagrams for Symmetrical portal frames only. Unit - VI Simple Trusses 6.1 Types of trusses (Simple, Fink, compound fink, French truss, pratt truss, Howe truss, North light truss, King post and Queen post truss) 6.2 Calculate support reactions for trusses subjected to point loads at nodal points only. 6.3 Calculate forces in members of truss using method of joints and Method of sections. 6.4 Graphical method of analysis of truss. (No Numerical on graphical method of analysis of truss).
Unit - I Direct and Bending Stresses in Vertical Members 1.1 Introduction to axial and eccentric loads, Eccentricity about one principal axis only, nature of stresses. Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram. 1.2 Condition for no tension or zer. . . Read More
Unit - I Direct and Bending Stresses in Vertical Members 1.1 Introduction to axial and eccentric loads, Eccentricity about one principal axis only, nature of stresses. Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram. 1.2 Condition for no tension or zero stress at extreme fiber, Limit of eccentricity, core of section for rectangular and circular cross sections, Middle third rule. 1.3 Chimneys of rectangular and circular cross section subjected to wind pressure, coefficient of wind pressure, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. 1.4 Analysis of dams subjected to horizontal water pressure, conditions of stability, Maximum and minimum stresses, resultant stresses and stress distribution diagram at base. Unit - II Slope and Deflection 2.1 Concept of slope and deflection, stiffness of beams, Relation among bending moment, slope, deflection and radius of curvature, (no derivation). 2.2 Double integration method to find slope and deflection of cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to concentrated load and uniformly distributed load on entire span. 2.3 Macaulay's method for slope and deflection, application to cantilever and simply supported beam subjected to concentrated and uniformly distributed load on entire span. Unit - III Fixed Beam 3.1 Concept of fixity, effect of fixity, advantages and disadvantages of fixed beam over simply supported beam. 3.2 Principle of superposition, Fixed end moments from first principle for beam subjected to central point load, UDL over entire span, Point load other than mid span. 3.3 Application of standard formulae in finding end moments, end reactions and drawing S.F. diagrams showing point of contra-shear and B.M. diagrams showing net BM and point of contra-flexure for a fixed beam. Unit - IV Continuous Beam 4.1 Definition, effect of continuity, nature of moments induced due to continuity, concept of deflected shape, practical example. 4.2 Clapeyron's theorem of three moment (no derivation) Application of Clapeyron's theorem maximum up to three spans and two unknown support moment only, Supports at same level, spans having same and different moment of inertia subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads over entire span. 4.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. Unit - V Moment Distribution Method 5.1 Introduction to moment distribution method, sign convention, Carry over factor, stiffness factor, distribution factor. 5.2 Application of moment distribution method to various types of continuous beams subjected to concentrated loads and uniformly distributed load over entire span having same or different moment of inertia, supports at same level, up to three spans and two unknown support moments only. 5.3 Drawing SF diagrams showing point of contrashear and BM diagrams showing net BM and point of contraflexure for continuous beams. 5.4 Introduction to portal frames : Symmetrical and unsymmetrical portal frames with the concept of Bays and stories. (Numericals on Symmetrical portal frames only). 5.5 Drawing SF diagrams and BM diagrams for Symmetrical portal frames only. Unit - VI Simple Trusses 6.1 Types of trusses (Simple, Fink, compound fink, French truss, pratt truss, Howe truss, North light truss, King post and Queen post truss) 6.2 Calculate support reactions for trusses subjected to point loads at nodal points only. 6.3 Calculate forces in members of truss using method of joints and Method of sections. 6.4 Graphical method of analysis of truss. (No Numerical on graphical method of analysis of truss).
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