Product Description
Unit - I Electricity and Capacitance 1.1 Capacitors and capacitance. 1.2 Parallel plate capacitor, effect of dielelctric on capacitance 1.3 Combination of capacitors, energy stored in a capacitor 1.4 Cells, emf of cell, internal resistance of cell, kirchoff's laws, Wheatstone. . . Read More
*Scanned images shown above are directly captured from the store. Fulfillment of products subject to availability *
Product Description
Unit - I Electricity and Capacitance 1.1 Capacitors and capacitance. 1.2 Parallel plate capacitor, effect of dielelctric on capacitance 1.3 Combination of capacitors, energy stored in a capacitor 1.4 Cells, emf of cell, internal resistance of cell, kirchoff's laws, Wheatstone. . . Read More
*Scanned images shown above are directly captured from the store. Fulfillment of products subject to availability *